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Upcoming Activities:

FEB 10 - Monthly Meeting - 21st Birthday Party (Saltgrass Steak House, Bedford - 5:30 PM)


FEB 27 - Board Meeting (Silver Dollar Winery & ZOOM - 6:00 PM)


MAR 10 - Monthly Meeting - Invitation to Dinner (Saltgrass Steak House, Bedford - 5:30 PM)


MAR 27 - Board Meeting (Silver Dollar Winery & ZOOM - 6:00 PM)


APR 14 - Monthly Meeting - Invitation to Dinner (Saltgrass Steak House, Bedford - 5:30 PM)


APR 27 - Board Meeting (Silver Dollar Winery & ZOOM - 6:00 PM)


MAY 12 - Monthly Meeting - Invitation to Dinner (Saltgrass Steak House, Bedford - 5:30 PM)


MAY 17 - Crafts N Drafts - (Turning Point Beer, Bedford - 1 - 5 PM)


MAY 22 - Board Meeting (Silver Dollar Winery & ZOOM - 6:00 PM)


MAY ?? - Awards Dinner (TBD)

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